Waters invests significant research and development time to deliver solutions that help organizations address today's separation challenges. As a primary manufacturer of separations media, our ability to consistently deliver reliable, quality products, and support is second to none in the industry. Discover how our BEH300 C4 columns supported by our world-class R&D, applications, and distribution organizations, help make the "Science of What's Possible" a reality.
- Well characterized, state-of-the-art bonding procedures
- Low pH and high temperature stability
- Quality-control tested with diverse protein mixture
- Consistent batch-to-batch reproducibility
- Available 1.7 μm particles for UPLC and nano UPLC applications
BEH300 C4 vs. Competitive Column Stability Under Protein Separation Conditions

Overlay of 6 injections on XBridgeTM BEH300 C4 vs. competitive 100% silica, 300Å C4 column. Column stored with 0.1% TFA at 90 °C between protein sample injections at times 0, 5, 10, 40 and 60 hours.