Small scale preparation | Waters

SFC Prep 15 Purification System

SFC Prep 15 Purification System

  • Standard PDA detection allowing optional add-on detection capability providing flexible configuration options, such as UV-ELSD or UV-MS. The addition of ELSD ensures chromatographic separation of non-chromophores missed by PDA; the addition of mass detection provides mass confirmation for unknowns.
  • Automated sample handling accommodates both sample injection and fraction collection within a single, open-bed format.
  • Automated column switching and temperature control of up to 10 columns allowing for inherent flexibility, versatility, and smooth operation.
  • FractionLynx™ Application Manager for MassLynx Software to monitor the preparative runs, trigger fraction collection and keep records of purification/fractions.
  • Typical throughput in 24 hours 180-240 samples/ per day
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