Therapeutic Drug Quantification | Waters

Therapeutic Drug Quantification with LC-MS/MS for Clinical Research

Clinical research laboratories can improve analytical selectivity, accuracy, and sensitivity by using mass spectrometry for monitoring and quantifying levels of therapeutic drugs in biological matrices.

Traditional methods used for the measurement of therapeutic drugs in biological matrices have presented numerous challenges for clinical research laboratories. For example, immunoassays can be non-specific and may cross-react with drug metabolites, leading to over-estimation of the parent drug.

Offering increased selectivity that minimizes interfering compounds, UPLC-MS/MS provides greater accuracy and sensitivity for a variety of therapeutic drug applications in clinical research laboratories.


5-Fluorouracil analysis with quantitative UPLC-MS/MS for clinical research The high degree of metabolic variability of 5-fluoroucil requires an analytical technique such as LC-MS/MS, with great specificity and sensitivity when researching clinical samples.
Azole antifungal analysis with quantitative UPLC-MS/MS for clinical research Achieve greater specificity, necessary for the analysis of azole antifungals, with the ACQUITY UPLC I-Class PLUS and Xevo TQD MS to provide more accurate results in clinical research.
Busulfan analysis with quantitative UPLC-MS/MS for clinical research The ACQUITY UPLC I-Class PLUS / Xevo TQD provides highly selective and accurate data for busulfan analysis with rapid analysis and increased sensitivity in the research of clinical samples.
Immunosuppressant Drug Analysis with Quantitative UPLC-MS/MS for Clinical Research Analysis of immunosuppressant drugs with the ACQUITY UPLC I-Class PLUS/Xevo TQD for clinical research, minimizes the interference from cross reactivity and inaccuracies due to hematocrit variability.
Methotrexate analysis with quantitative UPLC-MS/MS for clinical research Forgo cross reactivity the selective detection of the ACQUITY UPLC I-Class PLUS/Xevo TQD for methotrexate analysis for clinical research.
Mycophenolic acid analysis with quantitative UPLC-MS/MS for clinical research Analyze highly selective methods such as immunosuppressant metabolites in the research laboratory with the ACQUITY UPLC I-Class PLUS System and Xevo TQD MS.