Beginner's Guide to UPLC

Beginner's Guide to UPLC



In 2004, separation science was revolutionized with the introduction of Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography [UPLC Technology]. Significant advances in instrumentation and column technology were made to achieve dramatic increases in resolution, speed and sensitivity in liquid chromatography. For the first time, a holistic approach involving simultaneous innovations in particle technology and instrument design was endeavored to meet and overcome the challenges of the analytical laboratory. This was done in order to make analytical scientists more successful and businesses more profitable and productive.

For more than four decades, reducing stationary-phase particle size has been exploited to improve chromatographic separation efficiency. Until recently, LC technology had reached a plateau in which the benefits of reducing particle size could not be fully realized due to the negative influence of instrument band spreading and limited pressure range.

Figure 1. The ACQUITY UPLC® System. Figure 1. The ACQUITY UPLC System.

The ACQUITY UPLC System [Figure 1] has removed those barriers, enabling columns packed with smaller particles [1.7–1.8 µm] to reach their theoretical performance, while precisely delivering mobile phase at pressures up to 1030 bar [15,000 psi], thus providing a new level of chromatographic performance.

UPLC Technology facilitates improvements of resolution, sensitivity and speed to be achieved, without compromise. Whether the separation goal is to achieve ultra-fast analysis, increase throughput while maintaining resolution, improving resolution while decreasing analysis time or achieve ultra-high resolution, the flexibility of the ACQUITY UPLC System enables method requirements to be met [Figure 2].

Figure 2: Versatility of UPLC Technology – achieving resolution, sensitivity, and speed. Figure 2. Versatility of UPLC Technology – achieving resolution, sensitivity, and speed.

This technology primer is designed to provide new, existing and potential UPLC users the ability to understand how UPLC Technology works, how to be successful with it, and how it can provide impactful results within their organization.


Experience the ultimate in sensitivity, reproducibility, and speed. The ACQUITY Premier LC-MS provides the best sensitivity and peak shape for analytical separations.

The ACQUITY UPLC I-Class PLUS System offers dramatically decreased dispersion for the highest resolution, rapid injection cycles and sample throughput with reduced carryover, making it a superior inlet to any mass spectrometer.

The ACQUITY UPLC H-Class PLUS System delivers the flexibility and precision of quaternary or binary solvent blending with the advanced performance expected of UPLC separations: high resolution, sensitivity and improved throughput.

Get faster separations with higher resolution and sensitivities using sub-2-µm particles at 1241 bar pressures with UPLC Columns.