Forensics and Forensic Toxicology solutions

Complete the below form to be in touch with one of our sales specialists. Please tell us about your lab’s current challenges so we can better prepare to discuss how Waters may help you and your laboratory.


* What are your areas of interest?

Chemical Dependence Testing
Court Order Drug Testing
Drug Chemistry
Environmental Toxicology
Post Mortem Toxicology
Seized Drug Analysis
Sports Doping
Workplace Drug Testing
Other forensic toxicology application

* In what areas is your laboratory experiencing challenges?

NPS (Novel psychoactive substance) identification
Seized drug identification
Sample preparation for LC-MS
Oral fluid testing
Hair analysis for drugs
Fentanyls and Opioid analysis
Synthetic cannabinoid methods
Automation for urine drug testing
Replacing immunoassay drug screening with LC-MS
Targeted and non-targeted screening by High Resolution MS
Other challenges faced, please specify.

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