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Steroid Hormone Analysis with Quantitative UPLC-MS/MS for Clinical Research - Download your resource kit

Steroid analysis in endocrinology can be challenging. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) is a powerful tool that due to its analytical sensitivity and specificity is opening possibilities and providing new applications for steroid panels as well as individual steroids.

From progestogens to aldosterone, testosterone and beyond, clinical research of steroid hormones requires the best-in-class analytical sensitivity for routine quantification at low physiological levels.


With a wide range of LC-MS/MS medical devices, Waters has the right instrument for your analytical challenges in the clinical laboratory. In addition our selectivity-enhancing sample preparation protocols give you the ideal solution.

Register to access your essential Steroid Analysis LC-MS/MS resource pack and get application notes, scientific articles, webinars & testimonials.



Get Waters steroids resource kit now

Fill in the form below to access your essential Steroid Hormone Analysis resource kit to learn more.

The resource kit includes:

  • Video - Overcoming the Challenges of Steroid Hormone Analysis with the Xevo TQ-XS: Senior Application Scientist, Dominic Foley, shares his experience of running steroid analysis using the Xevo TQ-XS with ACQUITY UPLC I Class.
  • Application Note: An analytically sensitive and selective clinical research method has been developed for the analysis of aldosterone in plasma using the Xevo TQ-XS Mass Spectrometer.
  • Application Note: An analytically sensitive and selective clinical research method has been developed for the analysis of testosterone, 17-OHP, DHEAS, cortisol, 11-deoxycortisol, and 21-deoxycortisol in serum using the Xevo TQ-S micro.
  • Application Note: A clinical research method has been developed with UPLC-MS/MS for the analysis of E2 and E1 in serum with good analytical sensitivity. Using only 250 μL of serum, this method was able to distinguish between a blank stripped serum sample and the same matrix spiked with 1 pg/mL of E2, without the use of derivatization.
  • Application Note: This application note describes a clinical research method utilizing Oasis MAX μElution Plate technology for the extraction of dihydrotesterone (DHT), DHEA, testosterone, 17-OHP, and progesterone from serum.
  • Application Note: A selective UPLC-MS/MS clinical research method has successfully been developed for the analysis of 19 serum steroid hormones.
  • SPE Primer : This book is designed to help you explore and understand a very powerful tool in sample preparation technology: solid-phase extraction [SPE]. You will see how this technology, which uses devices with chromatographic packing material, can help meet your analytical challenges.
  • Clinical solutions brochure: At Waters,™ we understand that Clinical Diagnostics is more than collecting data. It’s making a difference in someone’s life. We know that behind every test tube you handle, and analytical instrument you operate, is a person that you help. We realize that when you analyze these samples, you are transforming data into better care.

By employing Waters ready to use resource packs steroid hormones can be routinely analysed in any clinical laboratory.


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