Pharmaceutical and Life Science Standards & Kits

The measurement of therapeutic biological molecules requires standards and reagents designed specifically to ensure that your LC and LC-MS systems are fit for purpose. To meet this requirement, Waters has developed a portfolio of Life Science consumables. Using high-quality standards, reagents, and sample preparation products specifically designed for critical life science applications we help you drive successful results and add an additional layer of assurance to your analyses.

  • Choose from a range of specially designed products
  • Achieve consistent, repeatable results
  • Add confidence and assurance to your analyses
  • Obtain the optimum performance from your equipment by using the optimum standard
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Amino Acid Analysis Standards & Kits Accurately separate, identify, & quantify amino acids in cell culture, protein hydrolysates, foods, and feeds with Waters Amino Acid Analysis HPLC, UHPLC, & UPLC solutions, standards and kits.
Glycan Standards and Reagents Waters Glycan Standards and Kits are for released N-glycan labeling. We offer standards in a wide variety of labels, 2-AB, 2-AA and RapiFluor-MS.
Oligonucleotides Standards & Kits Optimize oligonucleotide applications on UPLC or HPLC with prepackaged synthetic oligonucleotide standards, eliminating the need to prepare complex mixtures.
Peptide Standards & Kits Peptide, Phosphopeptide, and Protein Digest Standards are high-quality reference reagents that can help you develop and validate bioanalytical applications performed on UPLC, HPLC, or LC-MS instrumentation.
Protein Standards & Kits Waters Protein Standard and Kits are a versatile product grouping that contains specially formulated proteins for chromatography bench-marking for reversed phase, SEC, IEX, and even HDX.
Small Molecule Standards Explore application-specific small molecule standards and mixes for evaluating, validating, and troubleshooting many small molecule applications, including Omics and MetID.

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