Protein Standards & Kits

Waters Protein Standard and Kits are a versatile product grouping that contains specially formulated proteins for chromatography bench-marking for reversed phase, SEC, IEX, and even HDX.  In addition, we have one of the only fully characterized intact mAb’s for intact mass measurements.  Finally, the ProteinWorks Sample Preparation Kits provide protein digestion protocols and simple to use, lot traceable reagents for purifying peptides from complex matrices. 

Protein Standards Enhance and validate protein applications on UPLC, UHPLC, or HPLC instrumentation with prepackaged, specifically formulated protein standards in Waters vials for direct solubilization.
Intact mAb Mass Check Standard Before performing mAb characterization or intact mass analysis of antibodies, benchmark your LC-MS system with the Waters Intact mAb Mass Check Standard.
IonHance MS-Grade Mobile Phase Additives and Buffers Improve analyte retention and peak shape with IonHance modifiers and buffers for LC and LC-MS techniques like reversed-phase protein, peptide and small molecule separations and charge variant analysis.
Kits ProteinWorks Simplifiez vos procédures de quantification des protéines grâce aux kits de préparation d'échantillons ProteinWorks uniformisés, reproductibles, automatisables et sensibles.
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