Amino Acid Analysis Solutions

Amino Acid Analysis Application Solutions for Accurate Amino Acid Composition Analysis for HPLC, UHPLC and UPLC

Accurate identification and quantification of amino acids in biological research and in the development and commercialization of food, beverage, and biotherapeutics are challenging.  LC-based analyses are further complicated by the absence of chromophores on many of the amino acids of interest thus frequently necessitating the use of derivatization methods for optical detection.

Waters offers three distinctively reliable methods for accurate amino acid analyses.  All three utilize pre-column derivatization methods followed by reversed-phase chromatography with on-line detection of well resolved peaks using either UV absorbance or fluorescence detection.

  • PicoTag and AccQTag amino acid analysis methods, for HPLC or UHPLC-based analyses, include necessary reagents, standards, proven methods, and specifically QC tested columns to help users obtain accurate information.
  • UPLC Amino Acid Solution is a turnkey option for UPLC users composed of AccQTag Ultra reagents, standards and column chemistries with robust methods based on the ACQUITY UPLC system.

아미노산 분석 Waters의 아미노산 테스트용 샘플 전처리와 컬럼, 표준물질, 실험실 장비, 데이터 관리 솔루션을 이용하면 단백질 수율을 높이고 단백질 제조 일관성을 강화하고 정확한 고처리량 아미노산 분석이 가능합니다.
아미노산 분석 표준물질 및 키트 Waters의 아미노산 분석 HPLC, UHPLC, UPLC 용액과 표준물질, 키트라면 세포 배양액, 단백질 수화물, 식품, 사료 속 아미노산을 정확히 분리, 확인, 정량할 수 있습니다.
아미노산 분석용 AccQ•Tag Ultra 컬럼 Pico•Tag, AccQ•Tag, AccQ•Tag Ultra 컬럼과 유도체화 키트로 UPLC, UHPLC, HPLC 아미노산 분석의 정확성과 재현성을 확보할 수 있습니다.

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