Cannabis and Hemp Testing

Your Preferred Partner for Analytical Excellence

Quality and safety testing are essential for ensuring cannabis and hemp products comply with industry and regulatory requirements. Waters partners with testing laboratories, researchers, regulatory agencies, and cannabis manufacturers to ensure consumer safety and compliance while enabling growth and innovation.

With an implementation package from Waters, you’ll have the instruments, consumables, methods, standard operating procedures (SOPs), training, and service support you need to get up and running quickly and confidently. With our reliable, award-winning technology, deep roots in regulatory compliance, flexible financing and leasing options, and unmatched service and application support, you’ll have everything you need to build and grow your business.

가격 요청

Mycotoxin Testing in Cannabis Products Ensure mycotoxin levels in cannabis are below regularity levels with Waters and VICAM solutions, including easy-to-use strip tests, immunoaffinity columns, and quantitative analysis with LC-FLR and LC-MS/MS.
대마초 및 대마 농약 테스트 Waters LC 및 GC-MS/MS 솔루션은 현재 법정 허용치 아래에서 높은 검출 감도와 재현성을 자랑하는 대마초 농약 분석용 제품입니다.
Potency Testing and Cannabinoid Profiling Achieve the fastest run times, maximum chromatographic resolution, and lowest solvent usage for cannabis potency testing and cannabinoid profiling.
잔류 용매 테스트 Waters Xevo TQ- GC 또는 Xevo APGC- MS/MS 시스템으로 대마초 제품에 검출 가능한 잔류 용매가 없는지 확인하세요.
테르펜 테스트 Xevo TQ-GC, Xevo APGC-MS/MS 시스템을 비롯한 Waters 테르펜 테스트 솔루션을 사용하면 더욱 높은 신뢰도로 제품에서 대마초 유래 테르펜을 식별하고 정량화할 수 있습니다.
WEBCAST | Meet the Expert - Dr. Chris Hudalla, Proverde Labs

Critical tools for the optimization of extraction, purification and formulation processes.
Watch the Video

Decarboxylation VIDEO | Hemp Knowledgebase – Decarboxylation

Decarboxylation is an important part of the crops' regulatory testing.
Watch the Video

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