Method Equivalence Testing for Sunscreen Actives Using the ACQUITY UPLC H-Class PLUS System and ACQUITY UPLC H-Class System

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Michael Jones
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Application Notes
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Technical Notes
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Due to the damaging effects of UV light on skin, increasing numbers of cosmetics and personal care products are formulated with chemicals that actively filter out UV radiation. However long term contact with chemical sunscreens may increase the risk of developing a skin allergy to sunlight. For this reason, the type and amount of sunscreen agents in formulations have been strictly regulated around the world and effective methods for simultaneously detecting multiple chemical sunscreen agents in formulations are necessary.

In this technology brief, we demonstrate the performance of the ACQUITY UPLC H-Class PLUS System for the separation and detection of a mix of six chemical UV filters. The enhanced reproducibility of the system will aid in the identification of batch to batch variations in QC monitoring of sunscreen manufacture.

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