Low Adsorption HPLC Columns Based on MaxPeak High Performance Surfaces

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M. Lauber, T. H. Walter, M. Gilar, M. DeLano, C. Boissel, K. Smith, R. Birdsall, P. Rainville, J. Belanger, and K. Wyndham
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White Papers

MaxPeak Premier Columns, constructed with MaxPeak High Performance Surfaces, provide a means to improve the LC analysis of analytes that are sensitive to adsorption on metal surfaces. Without trading UPLC performance and without doping mobile phases with chelators, it is now possible to achieve high recoveries and sharp peaks for many historically challenging analytes. With MaxPeak HPS technology, analytes are impeded from Lewis acid-base interactions and adsorptive losses. This technology has proven to be effective in improving the analysis of electron-rich compounds, such as those containing phosphate and carboxylate groups. The benefits of the technology are most pronounced for low analyte loads. Dramatic improvements are seen in RP and HILIC applications for organic acids, organophosphates, oligonucleotides, peptides, glycans, and phospholipids.

To ensure the quality and reliability of this technology, Waters has established an in-house capability for manufacturing and quality assurance testing. Most importantly, key aspects of the MaxPeak HPS manufacturing process are monitored, including the hydrophobicity and inertness of MaxPeak HPS parts. Moreover, parts made using MaxPeak HPS technology have been subjected to stress testing to confirm robustness. It has been demonstrated that MaxPeak HPS hardware is stable from pH 1–12. No special considerations are needed for the use of MaxPeak Premier Columns. In sum, MaxPeak Premier Columns provide chromatographers with an option for analyzing metal-sensitive compounds and establishing more accurate, reproducible, and robust analytical methods.

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