In this application note, a method transfer from another manufacturer’s HPLC System to an ACQUITY Arc system was performed using the Path 1 of the Arc Multi-flow path technology.
This flow path, which was designed for methods transfer, allows the ACQUITY Arc System to mimic the dwell volume of a typical HPLC system. The results produced retention times within 5% of the original method. Additional fine-tuning of retention times was accomplished using Gradient SmartStart Technology, which adjusts the initial hold of the method without requiring any changes to the gradient table. The combination of these two features enables methods transfer to an ACQUITY Arc System in just two injections for a simplified methods transfer approach, including the following:
1. Transfer method to an ACQUITY Arc using appropriate Flow Path (1 or 2).
2. Compare chromatograms and evaluate retention.
3. If retention does not meet method criteria, adjust gradient start using Gradient SmartStart. Re-run method.
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