Profiling Mono and Disaccharides in Milk and Infant Formula Using the ACQUITY Arc System and ACQUITY QDa Detector

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Mark Benvenuti, Gareth Cleland, and Jennifer Burgess
Content Type:
Application Notes
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Application Notes
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Sugars and sugar alcohols are classes of carbohydrates that are natural constituents of foods and provide important nutritional benefits. Some sugars are added to processed foods in order to enhance flavor or to mimic fresh food products.

There are currently requirements to provide accurate information about sugar content on food product labels in order to comply with increasingly stringent regulatory demands. However, the analysis of these compounds is challenging because they lack chromophores within their compound structures, and because of the close similarity among the various molecules, many of which are simple isomers of one another.

The ACQUITY QDa Detector provides complimentary detection to Refractive Index (RI) or Evaporative Light Scattering (ELS) detectors that are commonly employed for carbohydrate analysis.

 ACQUITY QDa offers the opportunity to decrease detection limits as well as the ability to obtain mass spectral information on components in the sample. The combination of chromatographic retention time and mass information can provide improved selectivity for the profiling of sugars and sugar alcohols.

The ACQUITY Arc System provides a choice of two flow paths to emulate HPLC or UHPLC separations, including chromatographic separation of the difficult isomeric pair, glucose and galactose.

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