USP compendial methods are traditionally performed on 5 μm columns, and take a considerable amount of time and solvent to perform an analysis. Starting in August 2014, the official USP general chapter <621> will outline two ways to transfer isocratic methods to smaller particle columns. The first is by maintaining the length to particle size ratio (L/dp). The second is by maintaining the number of theoretical plates (N). The isocratic separation of Zidovudine was transferred to two separate CORTECS 2.7 μm columns using both methods of transfer to show the versatility of the new solid-core columns. The separation can be performed up to 4 times faster using CORTECS 2.7 μm Columns, with decreased solvent usage. Additionally, by following the USP General Chapter <621> guidelines, there is no need to re-validate the method, allowing for a quick transfer between columns. These benefits can lead to increased laboratory productivity, and reduced cost per analysis.
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