The Separation of Δ8-THC, Δ9-THC, and Their Enantiomers by UPC2 Using Trefoil Chiral Columns
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Jacquelyn Runco, Andrew Aubin, and Catharine Layton
Content Type:
Application Notes
Content Subtype:
Application Notes
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This application note describes the separation of THC and their enantiomers using Acquity UPC2 system.
- The stereoisomers of Δ8 and Δ9-THC can be fully resolved more quickly using convergence chromatography on the Waters® UPC2 System than by using HPLC.
- The three Waters Trefoil™ chiral stationary phases exhibit orthogonal selectivity for the stereoisomers of THC, providing an advantage when resolving the stereoisomers from matrix interferences.
- The ACQUITY UPC2® separation is repeatable and can be used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of the THC stereoisomers from natural and synthetic cannabis products.