Empower Plus - Sample Management

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Empower™ plus SM is designed as a unique one step solution for Empower users
to manage their samples. All sample information can be pre-defined in Sample
Management – including your Empower sample set information. Once you are ready
to run your samples in Empower, you can access your sample set information from
Sample Management where sample information has already been securely stored
in a centralized database. Once the Empower analysis is completed, all the result
information will automatically transfer to LMS for consolidation and final
report generation.

Simplify rapid deployment on a single server

  • Track, assign, and manage samples, tests, and results through the entire lifecycle

  • Manage sample specifications and product specifications with country specific acceptance criteria

  • Ensure faster sample turnaround by shortening time from sample submission to result review

  • Automate out of specification result identification

  • Improve quality of sample records by minimizing data handling and reducing transcription errors

  • Create final sample result reports without the need to transfer information into other electronic systems

Title Format File Size
Empower PLUS Sample Management PDF 370.59kB

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