Webinar Abstract
In this webinar, presented by Rocky Qiu, Informatics Business Development Manager for Waters APAC, will describe the additional advantages of data archival, and why it is an important data management procedure in your laboratory.
Rocky will introduce Print Capture – another important function within Waters NuGenesis SDMS – to centralise all the lab reports in a secure environment with the ease of sending a print job. Rocky will also show you once the report is printed into NuGenesis SDMS, you are able to re-use the information within the it for further compilation or calculations via extraction template.
Key concepts covered:
1. Re-capped on the key concepts of data archival and the importance of data archive for regulated laboratories.
2. Highlights the key functions of NuGenesis SDMS - Print Capture on report data archival process.
a)With Print Capture - NuGenesis SDMS allows all lab reports generated from analytical instruments and images to be archived and print into centralized database
b)With Extraction Template – To enable data residing in reports to be re-use for further compilation or calculations.
This document summarizes the main concepts that was covered during the Empower PLUS Solution webinar #2.
This webinar is available on-demand.
Register to watch: https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/2133742/664C5BADC079A705B3132CAE78298485