Paints are used in various objects around us for the purposes of protecting the coated object, adding color, and impart additional functionalities. Particularly, in recent years, products created in consideration of the environment, and those expected to offer high performance and functionality (e.g. protection to buildings and humans during natural hazards, utilizing high-grade design in combination with inks, protection to the base material from corrosion, flame retardancy) are in demand. In 2020, an Anti-corrosion Technology Center and a Coating Technology Center were opened by DAI NIPPON TORYO CO., LTD., where the product development is carried out together with clients. Throughout this paper, we will highlight how the organization has adopted the use of the Waters Xevo G2-XS QTof MS System with Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization GC/MS to analyze paint and ink specimen and detect trace components.
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MKT21015EN | 1294.23kB |