The Utility of Cyclic Ion Mobility to Improve Selectivity and Analysis Efficiency of Environmental PFAS Contamination and Exposure

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Michael McCullagh, Iggy Kass ,Artemis Lioupi, Georgios Theodoridis, Robert Plumb, Sarah Dowd, Stuart Adams
Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA, Waters Corporation, Stamford Avenue, Altrincham Road, Wilmslow. UK, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry, School of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,54124 Thessaloniki, Greece, Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, USA
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This poster describes the identification of perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids cIM conformeric profiles and corresponding CCS identification finger prints provide new found identification specificity. A 75 % reduction in analysis time has been shown using LC-cIM-MS. Resolution and differentiation of coeluting PFOS linear and branched isomers has been achieved. Separation and differentiation of coeluting cholic acid biomarkers has been shown. Coeluting PFAS branched and linear PFAS isomers identified in anonymised human serum samples have been fully resolved using cIM and single component calculated concentrations determined. We illustrate the potential to correlate individual PFAS isomer structure, toxicity and environmental exposure. LC-cIM-MS peak capacity facilitates structural elucidation of coeluting PFOS isomeric species. The enhanced specificity of HDMSE may be used to meet the analytical challenge of identifying PFAS “knowns” and characterise “unknown” PFAS compound as well as their corresponding biotransformation products.

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