An Open Access Approach to Purification SFC

Library Number:
David Dunstan and Michael D. Jones
Separation Science and Waters Corporation
Content Type:
On Demand Webinar
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Presented by: David Dunstan, Associate Scientist at Novartis and Michael D. Jones, Sr. Business Development Manager at Waters Corporation

In this webinar, David Dunstan, Associate Scientist at Novartis, and Michael Jones, Sr. Business Development Manager at Waters Corporation, discuss how best to implement an open access (OA) environment for use with purification scale supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) for achiral analysis. Shifting achiral SFC to an OA environment presents a number of challenges. However, utilizing SFC introduced important advantages to the purification process while maintaining the ease of support and robustness required for an OA technique.

The tools presented in this webinar will:

  • Educate laboratories regarding how to implement OA SFC purification workflows for achiral analysis
  • Provide insight on when to use RPLC versus SFC, address polar compounds, and explain benefits of mass detection triggers
  • Enable greater uptime while decreasing sample turnaround times with shared use instrumentation
  • Highlight the impact of a well-defined structured OA SFC
  • Empower users to take ownership of the process identifying and addressing stability and/or solubility problems

This webinar was hosted live by Separation Science on March 24th, 2015. Watch on-demand now.

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