Mass spectrometric analysis of 7-sulfoxymethyl-12-methylbenz[a]anthracene and related electrophilic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites

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Lehner AF
Content Type:
Journal Citations
2004   Volume:   39(11)   Page(s):   1366-1378
The Meso-region theory of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) carcinogenesis predicts that the development of pronounced carcinogenicity depends on the introduction of a good leaving group on alkyl side-chains attached to the exceptionally reactive meso-anthracenic or L-region positions of PAHs. Thus, the first step in carcinogenesis by methylated PAHs such as 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) would be the hydroxylation of the L-region methyl groups, particularly the 7-methyl group. The second would be the formation of a metabolite, e.g. a sulfate ester, which is expected to be a good leaving group capable of generating a highly reactive benzylic carbocation. 7-Hydroxymethyl-12-methylbenz[a]anthracene (7-HMBA) is a metabolite of DMBA, and sulfation of 7-HMBA to a 7-sulfoxymethyl metabolite (7-SMBA) is a known Phase 11 metabolic process designed to facilitate excretion, but actually enabling more destructive side-reactions. These side-reactions occur with generation of an electrophilic 7-methylene carbonium ion, and/or by in vivo halide exchange to provide neutral side-products more capable of entering cells, especially those of DMBA target tissues. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (MS) enabled us to visualize 7-SMBA as an intact m/z 351 conjugate anion by negative mode, and as a released m/z 255 carbonium ion by positive mode. Upon prolonged refrigeration, 7-SMBA accumulated an m/z 383 photooxide, which appeared capable of re-evolving the starting material as visualized by tandem quadrupole MS, or MS/MS. The 7-SMBA carbonium ion provided interpretable fragments when studied by fragment ion MS/MS, including those representing the loss of up to several protons. Subtle differences in this property were encountered upon perturbing 7-SMBA, either by warming it at 37°C for 2 h or by substituting the initial sulfoxy group with an iodo group. Side-reactions accounting for such proton losses are proposed, and are of interest whether they occur in the mass spectrometer, in solution or both; these proposals include acidity at the 12-methyl position and cyclization between the 12-methyl group and the adjacent C-1 position. It is also suggested that such side-reactions may comprise one route to relieving steric strain arising between the 12-methyl group and the angular benzo ring of 7-SMBA. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

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