Waters Oasis PRiME HLB Sample Extraction Family Sets New Standard for LC and LC-MS Sample Preparation

New Solid Phase Extraction Sorbent's Three-Step Process is 40% Faster and Samples are 70% Cleaner Than Existing Techniques

Milford, MA - 2015-05-27

Waters Corporation (NYSE:WAT) today introduced the Oasis® PRiME HLB Family, a first-of-its-kind, next-generation solid phase extraction (SPE) product that provides cleaner samples in less time and with less effort for LC and LC-MS analyses. Oasis PRiME HLB cartridges and multiwell plates simplify and speed up extraction protocols to ensure consistent, reproducible LC and LC-MS results. Laboratories can now process samples up to 40% faster and deliver samples that are up to 70% cleaner with fewer LC-MS matrix effects than samples prepared using other extraction techniques. Oasis PRiME HLB Sorbent is available immediately worldwide.

“Whether doing bioanalysis, food analysis or forensic toxicological screening by LC and LC-MS, few things are more important to getting quality analytical results than a clean sample. That is why today’s scientists need three things from a sample preparation protocol – simplicity, speed, and cleaner eluates,” said Mike Yelle, Vice President, Consumables Business Unit, Waters Division. “For scientists working with samples containing proteins, fats or lipids, Oasis PRiME HLB fulfills all three requirements and is now the gold standard for solid phase extraction.”

Sample Preparation for High Quality Results

Over the last decade, analytical instrument technology has evolved to the point where limits of detection (LODs) are as low as they have ever been. LC-MS instruments are much more capable of detecting and identifying minute concentrations of sample constituents than ever before. Even so, sample

constituents can go undetected and those that do, go unidentified and unquantified. Therefore sample preparation has never more been more important than it is today for getting high-quality LC-MS results.

A key to increasing the signal intensity and sensitivity of a mass spectrometer is to remove unwanted sample components – lipids and salts from a blood or plasma sample for example – that interfere with the signal response of the sample analytes being measured.

The removal of matrix interferences from samples is also a proven sure-fire way to prolong column life and the service life of a mass spectrometer.

Effective sample preparation is also a way to ensure the success of drug development by reducing the risk that an undesirable sample component - one that might adversely affect the results of a clinical trial for example – may go undetected.

Oasis PRiME HLB: The New Gold Standard for Sample Preparation

Oasis PRiME HLB features a water-wettable, reversed-phase sorbent and supports both a three-step (load, wash, elute) reversed-phase sample preparation protocol as well as a two-step (pass through) sample preparation protocol. Both generic protocols eliminate the conditioning and equilibration steps required when working with other polymeric or silica-based SPE products. Oasis PRiME HLB is now available worldwide in a number of formats including cartridges and 96-well plates that can be used with positive pressure or vacuum manifolds.

Oasis PRiME HLB joins the Ostro™, Sep-Pak®, Oasis HLB and Oasis Mixed Mode IEX products in Waters market leading portfolio of sample preparation products.

For More Information

For more information about Oasis PRiME HLB, visit www.waters.com/prime.

About Waters Corporation (www.waters.com)

For more than 50 years, Waters Corporation has created business advantages for laboratory-dependent organizations by delivering practical and sustainable innovation to enable significant advancements in such areas as healthcare delivery, environmental management, food safety, and water quality, consumer products and high-value added chemicals worldwide.

Pioneering a connected portfolio of separations science, laboratory information management, mass spectrometry and thermal analysis, Waters technology breakthroughs and laboratory solutions provide an enduring platform for customer success.

With revenue of $1.99 billion in 2014, Waters is driving scientific discovery and operational excellence for customers worldwide.


Waters, Oasis, Sep-Pak and Ostro are trademarks of Waters Corporation.

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미디어 담당
Brian J. Murphy
Public Relations
+1 508-482-2614
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