Waters New Vion IMS Q-Tof Mass Spectrometer Brings the Benefits of Ion Mobility and Greater Separation Power to Routine Analyses | Waters

Waters New Vion IMS Q-Tof Mass Spectrometer Brings the Benefits of Ion Mobility and Greater Separation Power to Routine Analyses

Now in a Bench Top Tandem Mass Spectrometer, Ion Mobility Adds New Levels of Clarity, Confidence and Productivity to the Analytical Laboratory

Milford, MA - 2015-05-27

Waters Corporation (NYSE:WAT) today introduced the Vion™ IMS Q-Tof™ Mass Spectrometer at the 63rd conference of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. Combining the benefits of high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry and ion mobility separation in a bench top instrument, the Waters® Vion IMS Q-Tof Mass Spectrometer brings clarity and confidence to routine analyses. Ion mobility removes spectral interferences and generates collision cross-section (CCS) values for every ion, giving scientists more information than they can get from traditional LC-MS experiments. Waters intends to commence shipments of the Vion IMS Q-Tof Mass Spectrometer in the second half of this year.

“More than a decade of experience in ion mobility has gone into the design of our Vion IMS Q-Tof instrument. For scientists involved in sample screening, metabolite identification, or classical ‘omics experiments, their ability to detect and identify all sample analytes in single analysis at the bench has reached a new level,” said Gary Harland, Director, Mass Spectrometry Product Management, Waters Division. “Regardless of how many analytes there are in a sample, and regardless of the concentrations which they are present in, Vion IMS QTof empowers laboratories to respond better to analytical challenges and succeed in meeting their scientific and business objectives.”

As routine analyses involve increasingly complex samples, scientists often rely on high- resolution mass spectrometry. However, increasing mass resolution alone does not always lead to better answers. By separating ions from one another based on their shape, mass and charge, ion mobility provides an additional dimension of separation. The selectivity of ion mobility refines spectra and allows the instrument to discriminate sample ions from chromatographically co-eluting compounds and background interferences - bringing clarity to every spectrum, and enabling the confident characterization of compounds.

With Vion IMS Q-Tof, CCS measurements are carried out automatically, making them routinely available for every ion in an LC-MS experiment. Scientists now have a greater ability to confidently identify sample analytes and overcome typical day-to-day challenges, such as shifting retention times caused by matrix complexity and the use of different chromatography conditions.

The benefits of Vion IMS Q-Tof are underpinned by Waters travelling wave ion mobility, XS ion optics, and new QuanTof™ 2 technologies. QuanTof 2 delivers the dynamic range to make ion mobility routine, enabling its use in everyday quan/qual applications

Vion IMS Q-Tof is driven by the industry-leading UNIFI® scientific information system, which provides a single platform for instrument control, data processing and reporting. The streamlined workflows increase productivity and enable faster and more informed decision-making.

For More Information

For more information about Waters Vion IMS Q-Tof Mass Spectrometer, visit www.waters.com/vion.

About Waters Corporation (www.waters.com)

For more than 50 years, Waters Corporation has created business advantages for laboratory-dependent organizations by delivering practical and sustainable innovation to enable significant advancements in such areas as healthcare delivery, environmental management, food safety, and water quality, consumer products and high-value added chemicals worldwide.

Pioneering a connected portfolio of separations science, laboratory information management, mass spectrometry and thermal analysis, Waters technology breakthroughs and laboratory solutions provide an enduring platform for customer success.

With revenue of $1.99 billion in 2014, Waters is driving scientific discovery and operational excellence for customers worldwide.


Waters and Vion are trademarks of Waters Corporation.

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Brian J. Murphy
Public Relations
+1 508-482-2614