Improved Identification of Pesticides Using Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

Kelly Dorweiler, Medallion Laboratories
Hosted by Food Safety Magazine
On Demand Webinar

Hosted by Food Safety Magazine
Kelly Dorweiler, M.Sc.
Senior Scientist, Medallion Labs

Mass spectrometry offers residue chemists the ability to discriminate against thousands of peaks, identifying trace level residues in a variety of food matrices. However, non-selective masses produced by electron impact (EI) ionization can result in false positives or false negatives. Atmospheric pressure ionization gas chromatography (APGC) can preserve the molecular ion and heavier mass fragments for better identification using atmospheric pressure ionization. This technique coupled with high resolution quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry, produces both low and high energy spectra, offering the ability to confidently identify analytes in challenging sample matrices. This on-demand webinar will provide:

  •  An explanation of how APGC works under dry and wet source conditions;
  • A comparison between EI and APGC mass spectrometry
  • Examples of how APGC produces selective peaks for certain pesticides prone to excessive fragmentation in the presence of complex matrices.

 View on-demand

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