Targeted, Semi-targeted and Non-targeted Screening Approaches Using UPLC-QTof Technology with the UNIFI Scientific Information System for Forensic Toxicology Analysis

Petur Weihe Dalsgaard, Section of Forensic Chemistry, University of Copenhagen
On Demand Webinar
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On-demand video webinar: Petur Weihe Dalsgaard, Section of Forensic Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, discusses how high resolution mass spectrometry is now increasingly used in forensic toxicology laboratories for screening applications. The ability to perform comprehensive and "untargeted" screening enables toxicology laboratories to screen for very large number of compounds in a single analytical run. A particular strength of high resolution mass spectrometers operating in data independent acquisition (DIA) modes such as MSE is the ability to acquire accurate mass spectrometry data on all precursor and fragment ions present in a sample. This enables confident identification of "expected components" by comparison with library data and retrospective investigation of to detect and identify novel psychoactive substances for which standards are difficult to obtain.

For high resolution mass spectrometry to become accessible to the routine toxicology laboratory, powerful and easy to use informatics is essential to process the large volume of data produced and successfully detect and identify components. This webinar will present on the use time of flight technology working in MSE mode and the Waters UNIFI Scientific Information System for targeted, semi targeted and untargeted screening.

What will I learn?

  • How the use of high resolution mass spectrometry can benefit forensic toxicology laboratories for both targeted and non-targeted screening.
  • How UNIFI utilises the inherent power of high resolution mass spectrometry for the detection and identification of illicit drugs, prescribed drugs, OTC drugs, and novel psychoactive substances.
  • How UNIFI utilizes "in silico fragmentation" techniques to identify novel psychoactive compounds for which only limited information is available.
  • How 3D peak detection and componentization improves compound identification.

Who should view?

  • Forensic toxicology laboratories
  • Drug testing laboratories
  • Institutes of legal medicine
  • Police forensic laboratories
  • State crime laboratories
  • Sports doping laboratories (human and animal doping)
  • Laboratories involved in toxicology research
  • Laboratories interested in detecting novel psychoactive drugs/legal highs


View the full webinar.



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