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BioAccord A Quick Look Webcast Series 4:

How Laboratory Automation is Streamlining Biotechnology's Response to COVID-19

Vaccines and immunotherapeutics are key in our fight against COVID-19. These biotechnology products won’t be effective unless we ensure that their glycosylation profile is correct.  Our new normal has opened new efficiencies in how we work; laboratory automation is becoming more common place. 

We have shown what we can do with simplified LC-MS for profiling glycans. We can now help QC labs operate with fewer people physically on site by using automated sample preparation. One example is the use of Andrew+ robotics, combined with the BioAccord System for the preparation and analysis of glycan samples from vaccines and immunotherapeutics.

BioAccord A Quick Look Webcast Series 3:

How we help to ensure the quality of COVID 19 therapeutic antibodies

Immunotherapies use externally derived neutralising antibodies to help patients fight off infection, and this is one strategy being prepared COVID-19.  With faster and cheaper molecule development processes available we are going to see a significant effect from biotechnology on this pandemic.  Immunotherapeutics, being large biologically produced molecules are prone to undesired modifications that can occur from subtle changes in their fermentation, so rigorous analysis batch to batch is necessary.

Here we look at an LC-MS QC strategy that is suitable for product monitoring of immunotherapeutics. The use of the IdeS protease allows rapid profiling of at the subunit domain that can report both large and small post translational modifications that intact mass analysis may not reveal.  To do this we show the application of the BioAccord, UPLC Accurate Mass MS system running the compliant ready UNIFI software for this subunit domain analysis.

BioAccord A Quick Look Webcast Series 2:

Vaccines and glycosylation

Vaccines are one of our exit strategies from COVID-19.  Accelerating vaccine production is a measured risk as it could produce ineffective vaccines or in some cases make infection more severe.

There are many types of vaccine but most rely on presenting a viral glycoprotein to the hosts immune system so it can generate neutralising antibodies.  One way of reducing the risk in vaccine production is to ensure that the glycan profile of that glycoprotein is consistent and relevant to that of the virus. In this video we take a Quick Look at how simplified, compliance ready LC-MS with automated sample prep can provide glycan profiling for the QC environment.

BioAccord A Quick Look Webcast Series 1:

How We Help Ensure that PCR Diagnostics Work for Virus Detection​

Diagnosis of viral infection, including the novel coronavirus relies on accurate PCR tests, which in turn depend on good synthetic oligonucleotide primers.  In this first Quick Look webcast we explore how the quality of these primers is monitored using a simplified, compliant ready accurate mass LC-MS system. 


Mark Ritchie

Senior Manager, Applications Specialists Team,
Waters Asia Pacific  

BioAccord Webinar Series

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* I would like to learn more about this new biopharmaceutical LC-MS solution. Please contact me.


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