Nanoflow Microflow UHPLC UPLC chromatographic separations with ultimate sensitivity and re | Waters

Nano to Microscale Based UPLC Technologies

Nanoflow & microflow based liquid chromatography (UPLC) techniques yield higher sensitivity and chromatographic resolution, for quantification and qualitative analyses, by using smaller ID columns packed with sub-2-micron particles and lower flow rates. 

ACQUITY UPLC M-Class System with 2D Technology Achieve more sensitive LC-MS analyses and reliable, high-performing nano- to microscale two-dimensional UPLC (UHPLC) separations with the ACQUITY UPLC M-Class System with 2D Technology.
ACQUITY UPLC M-Class System with HDX Technology Leverage UPLC separations and high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) to confidently identify changes in protein conformation with the ACQUITY UPLC M-Class System with HDX Technology.
ionKey/MS Система ionKey/MS позволяет выполнять разделение UPLC в источнике масс-спектрометра.
Система ACQUITY UPLC M-Class Наиболее надежный и производительный инструмент, который может обеспечить разделение с качеством, характерным для систем UPLC, на уровне от нано- до микрочастиц. Благодаря этому любая лаборатория может повысить чувствительность в ходе анализов ЖХ/МС.