Discovery and Visualization

Whether it's top-down or bottom-up analyses; targeted or untargeted studies; structural work to identify and confirm metabolites; or spatial localization of metabolites in biological tissues, Waters' state-of-the-art LC/MS systems, and informatics solutions tie together systems, information, and scientists to help you uncover insights earlier than ever before.

LC/MS studies continue to catalyze profound changes in our understanding of biology. It's no longer possible to fully understand biological systems by studying their parts; now systems biology has merged these once disparate data streams to gain a holistic understanding of complex organisms and disease states — and the opportunity to design broad-spectrum or targeted therapies.

Discovery Lipidomics Achieve deepest coverage of diverse lipidomes, confidently analyze lipids with ion mobility and obtain analytical flexibility for advanced omics studies with Waters discovery lipidomics solutions.
Targeted Omics Method Library TOML delivers a wide variety of targeted LC-MS/MS methods. Packages include an application note, experimental method files, and a list of stable-isotope labeled standards.
Biomedical Research For biomedical research and biomarker discovery solutions via LC-MS applications, Waters has the chromatography systems, informatics and resources you need to be successful.
DESI - MS Imaging for Biomedical Research DESI is a soft ionization technique performed under ambient environmental conditions and requires little to no sample preparation.
Discovery Metabolomics Detect, identify, and measure the changes in a biological system’s metabolome in a reproducible, unbiased manner with Waters discovery metabolomics (untargeted metabolomics) solutions.
Proteomics Equip your lab with Waters liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry proteomics solutions, which maximize efficiency for protein discovery, characterization, and targeted analysis.
SONAR for Omics For busy laboratories that need to get the answer right the first time, with efficient workflows, SONAR offers new possibilities, with an acquisition mode that collects MS/MS results from a Data Independent Acquisition (DIA) experiment.
Программное обеспечение Progenesis QI Новое поколение решений для анализа данных ЖХ/МС. Точный количественный анализ, идентификация и достоверный анализ сложных данных ЖХ-МС, которые используются в биологических исследованиях.
Mass Spectrometry Imaging for Biomedical Research Discover the possibilities of the powerful analytical and label free detection capabilities of MS to perform molecular imaging studies able to measure the distribution of molecules in tissues for many important applications in clinical research.
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