
Широкий спектр UPLC® и HPLC колонок для выделения и характеристики белков, включая BioSuite™, Symmetry300™, Accell™, и ProteinPak™ бренды. Данные колонки вместе с рекомендованными методиками разделения помогут Вам достичь высококачественных, воспроизводимых разделений из любых белок содержащих растворов.

Protein Columns Chromatographic modes for the analysis and purification of proteins include reversed-phase, ion-exchange, hydrophobic-interaction, and size-exclusion.
Protein Standards Enhance and validate protein applications on UPLC, UHPLC, or HPLC instrumentation with prepackaged, specifically formulated protein standards in Waters vials for direct solubilization.
ProteinWorks Kits Take the complexity out of protein quantification with standardized, reproducible, automatable and sensitive ProteinWorks Sample Preparation Kits.

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A Platform Method for Protein SEC
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XBridge Protein SEC HPLC Columns

NEW columns for high resolution size-exclusion HPLC protein separations
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