Supercritical CO2 Based Technologies (SFx)

Discover the Future of Supercritical CO2 Based Technologies

Supercritical CO2 based technologies have been shown to reduce costs and increase efficiency when applied to diverse sample types with the widest selectivities from polar to non-polar.

Waters SFx Portfolio offers a range of supercritical CO2 based technologies from extraction to analysis to purification, Waters is driving the future of SFx.


Supercritical CO2 based technologies generate robust, reproducible results for a wide range of chiral and achiral compounds on the same analytical system. This technology has been shown to increase efficiency, use less solvent and lower costs while being fully compatible with the full range of Waters mass spectrometers.


Preparative SFC Technologies utilize liquid CO2, a faster, eco-friendly alternative to traditional solvents, decreasing your overall solvent purchase and disposal costs as well as faster fraction processing. Preparative SFC allows operational flexibility between chiral and achiral compound classes with simple mobile phase choices. Mass directed isolation is simplified with the easy to use ACQUITY QDa Mass Detector.

ACQUITY UPC2 System Expand the boundaries of reversed phase LC and traditional GC separations with UltraPerformance Convergence Chromatography and provide the ultimate solution for routine analysis while streamlining laboratory workflow.
Колонки Trefoil и Torus ACQUITY UPC2 Новые химические составы Trefoil и Torus системы ACQUITY UPC2 обеспечивают непревзойденное выполнение хирального и ахирального разделения с исключительной скоростью и достоверностью.
Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) systems provide an environmentally-friendly approach to analytical and purification applications.
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