The waters_connect MS Driver pack 1.6.0 controls the Waters Xevo TQ Absolute/Xevo TQ-XS/Xevo TQ-S Micro/Xevo TQ-S Cronos tandem quadrupole (TQ) mass spectrometers in waters_connect.
The waters_connect MS Driver pack 1.6.0 is supported by the following product:
Note: *for compatibility with waters_connect releases greater than waters_connect 3.2.0 base kit, please refer to the latest published information on waters_connect releases available at
For more details about this release, see the following information.
Part number | Description |
715009307 | Release Notes, MS Driver Pack v1.6.0 |
716013477 | Declaration of Conformity (DoC), Xevo TQ-XS Driver v1.6.0 |
716013478 | Declaration of Conformity (DoC), Xevo TQ-S Micro Driver v1.6.0 |
716013479 | Declaration of Conformity (DoC), Xevo TQ-S Cronos Driver v1.6.0 |
716013480 | Declaration of Conformity (DoC), Xevo TQ Absolute Driver v1.6.0 |