Cannabis and Hemp Testing

Your Preferred Partner for Analytical Excellence

Quality and safety testing are essential for ensuring cannabis and hemp products comply with industry and regulatory requirements. Waters partners with testing laboratories, researchers, regulatory agencies, and cannabis manufacturers to ensure consumer safety and compliance while enabling growth and innovation.

With an implementation package from Waters, you’ll have the instruments, consumables, methods, standard operating procedures (SOPs), training, and service support you need to get up and running quickly and confidently. With our reliable, award-winning technology, deep roots in regulatory compliance, flexible financing and leasing options, and unmatched service and application support, you’ll have everything you need to build and grow your business.

产品 | 价格

Mycotoxin Testing in Cannabis Products Ensure mycotoxin levels in cannabis are below regularity levels with Waters and VICAM solutions, including easy-to-use strip tests, immunoaffinity columns, and quantitative analysis with LC-FLR and LC-MS/MS.
大麻和汉麻中的农药检测 欢迎了解沃特世用于大麻农药分析的LC和GC-MS/MS解决方案,即使在低于当前法规的浓度水平下,该解决方案也能进行高灵敏度和高重现性的检测。
Potency Testing and Cannabinoid Profiling Achieve the fastest run times, maximum chromatographic resolution, and lowest solvent usage for cannabis potency testing and cannabinoid profiling.
残留溶剂检测 使用Waters Xevo TQ-GC或Xevo APGC-MS/MS系统确保大麻产品不含可检出的残留溶剂。
萜烯检测 沃特世萜烯检测解决方案包括Xevo TQ-GC和Xevo APGC-MS/MS系统,能够更可靠地鉴定和定量产品中的大麻衍生萜烯。
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