Cannabis and Hemp Testing

Maximum Efficiency And Throughput

Stringent regulatory requirements and demand for better quality cannabis products has increased the need for quality control and safety testing. Cannabis testing laboratories need to support the entire manufacturing process, helping to ensure that raw materials and finished products are safe, effective, within specification and regulatory compliant. 

Waters diverse, industry-leading portfolio of HPLC, UPLC/UHPLC, UPC², LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS provides simplified and faster workflows, along with a higher level of confidence, quality, and repeatability in your results. 

Waters Liquid Chromatography (LC) – Alliance HPLC and ACQUITY UPLC H-Class Plus

Key Features/Benefits 

  • Fit for purpose and robust HPLC solution for cannabinoid profiling
  • Significant performance advantage using UPLC over traditional HPLC for routine QC analysis
  • Range of optical (TUV, PDA, and Fluorescence) detectors 

Waters Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS) - Xevo TQ-S micro and Xevo TQ-GC

Key Features/Benefits

  • RADAR Technology monitors matrix interferences by simultaneously acquiring full scan background data during quantitative MS/MS method development
  • Automated instrument optimization with IntelliStart Technology
  • Search, manage and automatically optimize methods using the Quanpedia Database



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