Waters offers a comprehensive range of analytical system solutions, software, and services for scientists. Liquid Chromatography. Mass Spectrometry. Waters is the leading provider of lab equipment, supplies and software for scientists across the world. Easily research and order everything your lab needs! Waters offers a comprehensive range of analytical system solutions, software, and services for scientists. Liquid Chromatography. Mass Spectrometry. Waters is the leading provider of lab equipment, supplies and software for scientists across the world. Easily research and order everything your lab needs!
ACQUITY Premier BEH C18 AX游离寡糖分析专用柱是阴离子交换反相色谱柱,可提供基于电荷的分离,为酸性游离寡糖提供更高的分离度。通过混合模式分离,按不同的电荷态将游离寡糖分组,保留性能随分析物的净电荷增加而升高。由于固定相具有反相特性,可以进一步分离相同电荷组内的游离寡糖异构体。
由于酸性游离寡糖容易在色谱柱的金属表面发生损失,因此非常难以分析。ACQUITY Premier BEH C18 AX游离寡糖分析专用柱硬件配有专门的惰性表面,MaxPeak高性能表面。这种表面使色谱柱内部形成一层屏障,防止酸性游离寡糖发生不良次级相互作用,进而提高游离寡糖的回收率,并且在首次使用时无需进行样品活化。