


請勿將您寶貴的研究託付給過時或未經證實的技術。生物指標轉譯同時需要高處理量的化驗,以及高靈敏度與解析度。Waters的ionKey/MS 系統提供獨一無二的優勢,來滿足蛋白質及代謝物的定量需求。

Mass Spectrometry Imaging A combination of advanced MS imaging technologies including MALDI, DESI and ion mobility, for comprehensive molecular distribution information in applications such as proteomics, metabolomics, cell and tissue biology, research pathology and histology.
Disease Focus | Cancer Whether your research involves quantitating specific pathways or profiling the metabolome of specific cancers, Waters offers accurate, precise, and reproducible measurements of tens to hundreds of analytes from a single sample.
Discovery and Visualization See our purposefully designed solutions for top-down or bottom-up analyses; targeted or untargeted studies; structural work to identify and confirm metabolites; or spatial localization of metabolites in biological tissues.
Targeted Omics Method Library TOML delivers a wide variety of targeted LC-MS/MS methods. Packages include an application note, experimental method files, and a list of stable-isotope labeled standards.
ionKey/MS ionKey/MS系統運用iKey將微米尺度UPLC分離處理技術直接整合於質譜儀離子源,因此能讓LC-MS系統發揮優異的效能與靈敏度。
SYNAPT XS 實驗室配備SYNAPT XS離子遷移飛行時間質譜儀後,就能為任何MS應用鋪好通往技術成功的康莊大道。
Xevo G2-XS QTof 桌上型QTof 質譜儀整合了 XS Collision Cell,可提供更高的靈敏性與選擇性,產生最高品質、最全面性的定性資訊和頂級定量性能。
SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS SELECT SERIES Cyclic IMS是一款革命性的離子遷移質譜儀,結合了新穎的環狀離子遷移與最新的飛行時間(Tof)技術。
Xevo TQ-XS三段四極桿質譜儀 MassLynx軟體適用於Waters質譜分析(MS)系統,可用於擷取、分析、管理及分享您的整數和準確質量、MS和MS/MS數據。
Xevo TQ-S micro串聯四極桿質譜儀 Xevo TQ-S micro是一款小巧的串聯式(三段)四極桿質譜儀,效能可靠、動態範圍寬廣、數據擷取速率快,能發揮穩健的MS靈敏度。
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