Waters offers a comprehensive range of analytical system solutions, software, and services for scientists. Liquid Chromatography. Mass Spectrometry. Waters is the leading provider of lab equipment, supplies and software for scientists across the world. Easily research and order everything your lab needs! Waters offers a comprehensive range of analytical system solutions, software, and services for scientists. Liquid Chromatography. Mass Spectrometry. Waters is the leading provider of lab equipment, supplies and software for scientists across the world. Easily research and order everything your lab needs!
廣泛使用的UPLC® and HPLC管柱,在作蛋白質分離與特性分析時,包括BioSuite™, Symmetry300™, Accell™, and ProteinPak™ 等品牌。這些品牌搭配建議使用方法,在不同蛋白質的溶液,皆可達到高品質與可再現的分離效果。
Protein Columns
Chromatographic modes for the analysis and purification of proteins include reversed-phase, ion-exchange, hydrophobic-interaction, and size-exclusion.
Protein Standards
Enhance and validate protein applications on UPLC, UHPLC, or HPLC instrumentation with prepackaged, specifically formulated protein standards in Waters vials for direct solubilization.
ProteinWorks Kits
Take the complexity out of protein quantification with standardized, reproducible, automatable and sensitive ProteinWorks Sample Preparation Kits.