


  • 數量更龐大的食品汙染問題
  • 更嚴格的法規
  • 貿易市場的保護
  • 品牌形象的保障
  • 更多的競爭



針對近日塑化劑事件,Waters提供了一分鐘篩檢14 種塑化劑的食品檢測解決方案,以液相層析串聯質譜儀,檢測食品中其他添加物。

胺基酸檢測 Waters胺基酸分析解決方案能協助您準確進行簡單的食品、飲料及飼料樣品檢測,確保產品營養標籤確實符合法遵標準且謹遵食品製造規格。
Beverage Testing Solutions The global beverage industry is an innovative, growing sector which adapts to meet consumer demands and tastes. Waters is a trusted partner to the beverage industry, providing technologies to meet your laboratories’ analytical and regulatory needs.
Routine Food Testing Food manufacturers and testing labs need agile partnerships with their vendors, to quickly adapt to new testing requirements. Waters’ history of providing technology and service solutions to food testing labs makes us the ideal partner.
Veterinary Drugs Waters provides column and sample prep, UPLC/MS/MS, and UPLC/MS Tof systems, Analytical Standards & Reagents, column & sample prepration products, and data management software for the detection of veterinary drug residues below regulatory limits.
Mycotoxins Testing, Detection & Analysis Waters’ Mycotoxin Testing Solutions help ensure food safety, the quality of raw materials, and compliance with global regulatory limits.
Organic Acids Analysis Ensure the quality, authenticity, flavor consistency of your food and beverage products with Waters organic acids analysis solutions, which are designed to meet your lab’s needs for reliable, reproducible results.
Pesticides Testing Optimize pesticide analysis and quantitation efficiency, improve lab productivity, and meet food safety and quality regulations with Waters pesticide testing solutions and support.
Food & Beverage Authenticity Testing | Food Profiling Defend against food adulteration and fraud, and ensure consumer safety with Waters’ Food & Beverage Authenticity testing solutions.
Cannabis and Hemp Testing Ensure you meet cannabis and hemp regulatory compliance requirements while enabling growth and innovation with Waters quality and safety testing laboratory solutions.
Tobacco Analytical solutions for tobacco product research, raw materials testing, flavor analysis, regulatory reporting, and clinical studies.
Food and Beverage Testing Allergens Waters LC-MS technologies enable scientists to develop workflows to identify and determine levels of incurred allergens in raw ingredients and processed foodstuffs, ensuring accurate product labelling and consumer safety.
Food and Nutrition Research Enabling analytical technologies to support your organizations food and nutrition.
Thumbnail Image of Infographic Empower Productivity Food Infographic

Quickly realize the many ways our Empower Chromatography Data System (CDS) can help improve operational effectiveness for a food testing laboratory.
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