MaxPeak Premier Columns

MaxPeak Premier Columns

See all of your sample with MaxPeak Premier Columns, the most universal column platform for chromatographers who need to reduce variability risks and save time, all while increasing recovery and sensitivity.

See all of your sample with MaxPeak Premier Columns, the most universal column platform for chromatographers who need to reduce variability risks and save time, all while increasing recovery and sensitivity.

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Dark grey and black gradient
Closeup of a hand adjusting a column's yellow fob in an Arc Premier system

Non-specific adsorption (NSA) of metal sensitive compounds is an unpredictable challenge, leading to long column passivation times, chromatography with large relative standard deviations (RSDs), and broad peaks that can be a challenge to detect.

See and do more with MaxPeak Premier Columns, which utilize the latest progressive integrated technologies like MaxPeak High Performance Surfaces (HPS) to effectively reduce non-specific adsorption (NSA) losses due to metal interactions.

With MaxPeak Premier Columns, your lab can reduce the time wasted on column passivation and method optimization, while increasing reproducibility, sensitivity, and overall quality of results. Are you ready to see what you've been missing?

Learn about our complete MaxPeak Premier Solutions.

Achieve increases in sensitivity and analyte recovery while reducing column passivation time and mitigating unwanted analyte/surface interactions with ACQUITY Premier Columns.

Discover Atlantis Premier Columns for high-performance liquid chromatography, designed to improve peak shape while mitigating unwanted interactions.

Eliminate doubt in UPLC, UHPLC, and HPLC analysis applications with CORTECS Premier Columns, designed to increase sample throughput while providing reproducible data for all analytes.

Experience XBridge Premier HPLC and UHPLC Columns, designed to operate under extreme temperatures and mobile-phase pH while mitigating unwanted analyte/surface interactions.

Discover XSelect Premier HPLC and UHPLC Columns designed to improve peak shape and maximize selectivity while mitigating unwanted analyte/surface interactions.

Enhance your workflow with MaxPeak Premier Protein SEC Columns, size-exclusion chromatography columns for the characterization of proteins and peptides.

Increase intact and subunit protein recovery, improve charge variant resolution, and enhance LC & LC-MS sensitivity with Waters BioResolve Premier Columns, reversed-phase and ion exchange columns for bioseparation applications.

Application Specific Columns

Suited for the analysis of detritylated oligonucleotides using ion-pair, reversed-phase chromatography.

Improves sensitivity for phosphorylated proteins and low-level intact and subunit mAb analysis with MaxPeak Premier Protein Columns. Tolerate extreme pH and temperature, and provides minimal secondary interactions.

Suited for analyzing released and 2-aminobenzamide (2-AB) labeled N-linked glycans from various biotherapeutics, as well as, for the HILIC analysis of neutral and acidic glycans.

Suited for the reversed-phase analysis of hydrophobic and hydrophilic peptides at low and high pH with outstanding peak capacity and peak shape in TFA or FA.

Analyze gene therapeutics to learn about the potency and safety of your sample with Waters Gene Therapeutics (GTx) Size-Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) Columns, designed to provide accurate, high-throughput data.