System configurations for waters_connect Base Kit with UNIFI 2.1.2

Support Number:
Content Type:
Product Overview
Related Products:
Vion IMS QTof Ion Mobility Quadrupole Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry


This page provides an overview of waters_connect supported system configurations including liquid chromatography modules, mass spectrometry instruments, detectors, instrument drivers, Informatics workflows, and applications when you use waters_connect Base Kit with UNIFI 2.1.2 and application add-on kits.

Informatics kits and applications

The following table lists the waters_connect kits, the applications included in each kit, and the kit cross-compatibility.

waters_connect kits





Base Kit with
UNIFI 2.1.2
Enables access to core applications for general system use waters_connect Platform 211130 waters_connect Platform: For deploying core services. It provides access to the waters_connect HUB and Administration Center applications.

waters_connect HUB: Central waters_connect applications access point.

Administration Center:
For managing the database, managing system users and roles, enabling access to event logging and system-related information, managing system licenses, and defining global policies.
waters_connect Acquisition Kit 2.1

waters_connect Peptide MAM Kit 1.3

waters_connect Intact Mass Kit 1.0
UNIFI 2.1.2 UNIFI: For controlling your LC-MS system to acquire, process, report, qualify, and manage generated records, as well as import and export data. It provides access to System Console, Qualification and Maintenance, MassLynx Data Capture, and Print Capture applications. It supports analytical workflows such as Accurate Mass Screening, Pathway Profiling, Peptide Mapping, Glycan, Intact Protein, Protein Assay, Top Down, and Quantify analyses.

System Console: For setting up instrument properties, monitoring the system status and performance, performing diagnostic tests, and maintaining the instrument system and its modules.

MassLynx Data Capture: Automatically sweeps and imports MassLynx data into the waters_connect deployment.

Qualification and Maintenance: Enables verify files, software, and instrument system qualification.

Print Capture: Creates electronic or hard copy printouts and imports and exports import-captured printouts.
Laboratory Network Device 1.9.1 LND: Controls and collects data acquired from connected instrument systems.
LC-MS Toolkit 1.5.0 LC-MS Toolkit: For data interrogation outside of the defined workflows. Provides flexibility to the software that is needed for more advanced use.
ACQUITY UPLC Instrument Drivers DP 2021 R1 for waters_connect/UNIFI ACQUITY UPLC Driver Pack: For LC instrument driver deployment.
waters_connect Acquisition Kit 2.1 (compatible with BioAccord only and the LC modules listed in the ACQUITY instrument systems table) Enables access to acquisition utilities used for biopharma LC-MS workflows such as Intact Mass and Peptide Multi-Attribute Monitoring Sample Submission 1.3.0 Sample Submission:
For the management of samples and their submission for analysis on an instrument system.
Base Kit with
UNIFI 2.1.2
Acquisition Method Editor 2.1.0 Acquisition Method Editor: For the creation, editing, and management of data acquisition methods.
waters_connect Peptide MAM Kit 1.3 Enables access to the Peptide MAM application for Peptide Multi-Attribute Monitoring Peptide MAM 1.3.0 Peptide MAM: For monitoring of biopharmaceutical product quality attributes (PQA) at the peptide level.
waters_connect Intact Mass Kit 1.0 Enables access to the Intact Mass application for biologics Identity and Purity confirmation Intact Mass 1.0.0 Intact Mass: For mass confirmation and purity determination of oligonucleotides, peptides, protein, and conjugates.

Supported Windows versions

Deployment type Component Windows version
Workstation Workstation Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB version 1607

Windows 10 Pro version 20H2


  • Windows Defender must be set to Off.
  • OS language must be English (US).
Network  Server Windows Server 2016 Standard


  • Windows Defender must be set to Off.
  • OS language must be English (US).
LND Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB version 1607

Windows 10 version 20H2

Note: OS language must be English (US).


Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB version 1607

Windows 10 Pro version 20H2

Note: OS language must be English (US).

waters_connect system configurations

Mass spectrometry instruments:

Instrument waters_connect base kit with UNIFI 2.1.2 and MS instrument driver pack 
(acquisition control available with base kit)

3.0.0 (none)

BioAccord LC-MS system
(acquisition control available with base kit and/or acquisition kit)
Xevo G2-XS QTof
(acquisition control available with base kit)

4.1.0 (none)

Vion IMS QTof
(acquisition control available with base kit)


  • #.#.# (#.##) = module supported, instrument driver version (firmware version)
  • n/a = module not supported

Mass spectrometry instruments:

Instrument Total number of systems
 ACQUITY RDa (Tof) Up to 6
BioAccord LC-MS system (Tof)
Xevo G2-XS QTof Up to 2
Vion IMS QTof
Mix of Tof and QTof Up to 4 (up to 2 Tof and up to 2 QTof)
Mix of Tof Up to 6
Mix of QTof Up to 2

ACQUITY instrument systems (such as pumps, detectors, sample managers, and column compartments)
supported by waters_connect/UNIFI driver pack (DP) 2021 R1:

UPLC system/component UPLC configuration DP version with
BioAccord system
DP version w/ QTof or ACQUITY RDa system
ACQUITY Premier/
ACQUITY H-Class Binary Series (15,000 psi limited systems)
Binary Solvent Manager (BSM) 3.3.0 (1.73; 1.72)* 3.3.0 (1.73; 1.72)
Sample Manager – Flow-Through Needle (SM-FTN) 3.3.0 (1.71)* 3.3.0 (1.71)
Column Heater (CH-A) Uses Sample Manager ICS* Uses Sample Manager ICS
Column Manager (CM-A/CM-Aux) 3.3.0 (1.69)* 3.3.0 (1.69)
ACQUITY Premier/
ACQUITY H-Class Quaternary Series (15,000 psi limited systems)
Quaternary Solvent Manager (QSM) 3.3.0 (1.72)* 3.3.0 (1.72)
SM-FTN n/a 3.3.0 (1.71)
CH-A n/a Uses Sample Manager ICS
CM-A/CM-Aux   3.3.0 (1.69)
ACQUITY UPLC I-Class Plus Series (18,000 psi limited systems) BSM 3.3.0 (1.73; 1.72)* 3.3.0 (1.73; 1.72)
SM-FTN 3.3.0 (1.71)* 3.3.0 (1.71)
Sample Manager – Fixed-Loop (SM-FL) n/a 3.3.0 (1.70)
CH-A Uses Sample Manager ICS* Uses Sample Manager ICS
CM-A/CM-Aux 3.3.0 (1.69)* 3.3.0 (1.69)
ACQUITY UPLC "Classic" Series (15,000 psi limited systems) BSM n/a 3.3.0 (1.73; 1.72)
Sample Manager – Fixed Loop (SM-XY) n/a 3.3.0 (1.65)
Column Heater HTCH n/a Uses Sample Manager ICS
Column Manager CM/CHC n/a 3.3.0 (1.40)
ACQUITY detectors ACQUITY UPLC Fluorescence (FLR) 3.3.0 (1.69)
ACQUITY UPLC Tunable UV (TUV) 3.3.0 (1.70)* 3.3.0 (1.70)
ACQUITY UPLC Photodiode Array (PDA)
eLambda PDA (1; 2)
(1.65 with PDA1; 1.70 with PDA2)
ACQUITY modules ACQUITY Common Platform
Sample Organizer (CPSO)
n/a 3.3.0 (1.60)
eSAT/IN n/a 3.3.0 (3.2)


  • #.#.# (#.##) = module supported, instrument driver version (firmware version)
  • * = Compatible with Acquisition Kit 2.1
  • n/a = module not supported
  • BSM has updated firmware to support new PCBs


For more details about this release, see the following information.

Base kit

PN Title Format
715007354 waters_connect Base Kit with UNIFI 2.1.2 Release Notes  PDF
715007817 waters_connect Base Kit with UNIFI 2.1.2 Network Installation and Configuration Guide PDF
715007816 waters_connect Base Kit with UNIFI 2.1.2 Workstation Installation Guide PDF
715007847 waters_connect Base Kit with UNIFI 2.1.2 Network Migration from UNIFI 1.9.4 Guide PDF
715007846 waters_connect Base Kit with UNIFI 2.1.2 Workstation Migration from UNIFI 1.9.4  Guide PDF
715007852 waters_connect Base Kit with UNIFI 2.1.2 Network Migration from UNIFI 1.9.12 and 1.9.13 Guide PDF
715007851 waters_connect Base Kit with UNIFI 2.1.2 Workstation Migration from UNIFI 1.9.12 and v.9.13 Guide  
715006489 waters_connect Base Kit System Administrator's Guide PDF
715008018 waters_connect Base Kit with UNIFI 2.1.2 Site Preparation Guide DOC


PN Title Format
715007819 waters_connect Sample Submission 1.3.0 Release Notes PDF
715006671 waters_connect Sample Submission 1.3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide PDF
715007813 waters_connect Acquisition Method Editor 2.1.0 Release Notes PDF
715007423 waters_connect Acquisition Method Editor 2.1.0 Installation and Configuration Guide PDF
715007427 waters_connect Peptide MAM 1.3.0 Release Notes PDF
715006668 waters_connect Peptide MAM 1.3.0 Installation and Configuration Guide PDF
715007467 waters_connect Intact Mass 1.0.0 Release Notes PDF
715007468 waters_connect Intact Mass 1.0.0 Installation and Configuration Guide PDF

Declarations of Conformity

PN Title Format
716009930 waters_connect Base Kit with UNIFI 2.1.2 Declaration of Conformity PDF
716009931 waters_connect Acquisition Kit 2.1.0 Declaration of Conformity PDF
716009333 waters_connect Intact Mass Kit 1.0.0 Declaration of Conformity PDF
716009437 waters_connect Peptide MAM Kit 1.3.0 Declaration of Conformity PDF

Instrument drivers

PN Title Format
667006259 ACQUITY UPLC Driver Pack 2021 Release 1 for waters_connect/UNIFI EXE
667006746 ACQUITY RDa (waters_connect) Detector Driver 3.0.0 ISO
667006752 Vion IMS QTof (waters_connect) Instrument Driver 4.1.0 ISO
667006750 Xevo G2-XS QTof (waters_connect) Instrument Driver 4.1.0 ISO


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